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Thursday, September 3, 2020
Puritan Values essays
Puritan Values expositions The Puritan perspectives and qualities depended on noble cause and difficult work. This was obvious in Of Plymouth Plantation. In Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God, it demonstrated that the Puritans accepted intensely in their confidence and included God in pretty much all that they did. God was the recognized force in their lives. Of Plymouth Plantation clarifies a great deal about the Puritans good cause. For instance, while adrift, the Puritans were not rewarded pleasantly by the group of the boat where they were cruising upon. They were called names and were ridiculed. During the long journey a few of the crewmembers got wiped out. The Puritans, in contrast to a great many people of that day, didn't simply let the men lie in torment. They helped the men to pick up their full wellbeing. They didn't do this since they required the crewmembers to get to the settlements, yet rather, they did this since that is the thing that their perspectives towards the treatment of individuals were. At the point when they at long last made it to the new world, living there was not a simple assignment. They needed to construct their own homes and develop their own food. They were playing a hazardous game living there. They needed to buckle down for their food and sanctuary or they would bite the dust. The Puritans didn't have faith in working beneath their latent capacity. However, when a segment of them were loaded up with maladies, the sound individuals were glad to hop directly in and fill for the evil individuals while as yet doing their own occupations. This returns to the Puritans feeling of noble cause. Nobody was ever abandoned. They were constantly dealt with and could generally depend on their neighbor. The Puritans confidence in confidence was very basic. They had faith in difficult work and penance and on the off chance that you didn't do this, you would essentially take a hike. They accepted that God was the main thing that kept them out of hellfire. God was the main thing holding them up from falling into hellfire. When you made God irate or isolated you... <!
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Chaos essays
Bedlam expositions Where Chaos starts, old style science closes. Since the time physicists have asked into the laws of nature, they had not started to investigate unpredictable side of nature, the inconsistent and broken side that has consistently baffled researchers. They didn't endeavor to comprehend scatter in the climate, the violent ocean, the motions of the heart and mind, and the variances of untamed life populaces. These things were underestimated until in the 1970's some American and European researchers started to examine the irregularity of nature. They were physicists, scientists, scientific experts and mathematicians however they were all looking for a certain something: associations between various types of abnormality. Physiologists found an amazing request in the confusion that creates in the human heart, the prime reason for an unexpected, unexplained demise. Scientists investigated the ascent and fall of wanderer moth populaces. Financial specialists uncovered old stock value information and attempted another sort of examination. The bits of knowledge that developed drove legitimately into the regular world-the states of mists, the ways of lightning, the infinitesimal entwining of veins, the galactic grouping of stars.(Gleick, 23) The man generally answerable for concocting the Chaos Theory was Mitchell Feyenbaum, who was one of a bunch of researchers at Los Alamos, New Mexico when he previously began contemplating Chaos. Feigenbaum was a little known researcher from New York, with just one distributed work to his name. He was dealing with nothing significant, as semi periodicity, in which he and just he had 26-hour days rather than the typical 24. He surrendered that since he was unable to stand to wake up to setting sun, which happened intermittently. He invested the greater part of energy watching mists from the climbing trails over the research center. To him could spoke to a side of nature that the standard of material science had cruised by, a side that was fluffy and nitty gritty, and organized at this point unusual. He considered these... <!
Friday, August 21, 2020
midwifery essays
maternity care papers Backing for the Midwifery Profession: Pros and Cons The custom of maternity care essentially vanished in Canada during the early piece of this century. A few ages of ladies surrendered labor at home to the clinical calling. They did this for the sake of wellbeing and relief from discomfort, or just in light of the fact that the choice of being thought about by a birthing specialist did not exist anymore. Birthing assistance ought to be re-instated as a lawful and good calling. With solid pregnancies and under typical conditions, ladies should conceive an offspring at home with the expert help of a maternity specialist. The most widely recognized contention against home births and maternity care are propagated by the clinical foundation. As a calling, they transparently contradict to lay birthing assistance, and as Dr. William Hall, leader of the College of Physicians, stated, he and the school restrict home births since they feel it is hazardous. (Ramondt, 1990) Without a doubt, the clinical calling is right in fighting home births in specific cases. A few pregnancies are troublesome and a few births are risky. It isn't hard to yield that there are times when sound clinical mediation is a need and a gift. To demand, however, that each birth requires a medical clinic setting and the participation of a specialist with ten years preparing is, the same number of specialists in the field concur, rather unbelievable. An examination done by Dr. Lewis Mehl (refered to in Barringtonm, 1985), coordinated a populace of 421 ladies went to by doctors with 421 ladies went to by maternity specialists at home. The maternity specialist test fared obviously better with altogether less fetal pain, birth wounds, and newborn children requiring revival. The previous leader of the International Confederation of Gynecology Moreover, the daily schedule of utilization of clinical systems at first created to secure high-hazard moms and b... <! birthing assistance expositions Birthing assistance, obsolete or misjudged? Numerous pregnant ladies in the United States are uninformed of the choices they have in picking their essential medicinal services suppliers. Most ladies feel that the best way to have their infant conveyed is by setting off to a medical clinic and accepting consideration from a doctor. The other choice ladies are generally not mindful of is birthing assistant drove care. Birthing specialists offer different measures of strategies what's more, ways to deal with labor. They just keep an eye on ladies that are encountering ordinary generally safe pregnancies. Birthing assistant drove care furnishes ordinary pregnancy ladies with different choices in spots and techniques for conveyance. Ladies helped by a maternity specialist may decide to have their infant in places, for example, medical clinics, maternity focuses or even in a womans private living arrangement. A confirmed attendant maternity specialist is an enlisted nurture with proficient preparing in birthing assistance. Birthing assistants as a rule work as a team with doctors and counsel them if any issues are to happen. Birthing specialists are viewed as essential social insurance suppliers and experts (Obstetrics). They perform ordinary, non-usable strategies for conveyance. Birthing specialists set up close to home associations with their customers and instruct ladies all through their regenerative lives. They give gynecological and obstetric tests and can endorse drug when important (in many states). Maternity specialists approach birth as a characteristic type of conveyance. They utilize exacting, characteristic and observational techniques to confirm a womans progress in pregnancy and give all that is important to guarantee Maternity care is perhaps the most established calling known to man and is even referenced in the Old Confirmation of the Bible (Genesis 24). At first it was viewed as the main strategy for labor, notwithstanding, mentalities toward maternity specialists have changed after some time because of the consistent progressions in medication. Today, numerous physicia... <!
Saturday, June 6, 2020
How Class Room Setting Can Influence Learners - 550 Words
How Class Room Setting Can Influence Learners (Essay Sample) Content: Size of the Class As a Determinant In Students PerformanceNameInstitutional Affiliation DateThe Small-Sized classrooms can be advantageous, especially in raising students' academic achievement. A class size of 20 or below students per teacher is the most suitable size proposed for any school that plans to benefit from their teachers. In case there is no precise size of the classroom that can be capable of handling right students, there is will be a high possibility of an inadequacy of teachers in the classrooms. However, scaling down the size of the class gives instructors an opportunity to grow professionally and develop a diligent school curriculum. Hence, the size of the classroom is the main factor or casual element of the performance capacity of any student. Thus, it is important to guarantee that the teacher can be in a position to control and have authority over the class since it will be helpful to the students (Qiu, Hewitt Brett, 2012).It is important to det ermine the correlation between the student's performance, the class's size and finally, the teachers performance as this is important for the achievement of high performance of students. Regarding various increased research that has been carried out by different groups, there is the evidence that shows that performance of the teachers will always be influenced by the size of the class. Meaning, learners performance is not only the primary element in play since the possible gains of modestly sized classes must weigh against the related costs. Hence, it is usually of great value to clarify that the sizes of the class remain modest and there is an urgent need for the schools to recruit more instructors for the academic progress of the students to be figured out. There is a substantive relation between the size of the class, performance of the student and finally, the performance of the teacher, therefore, it is advisable to put factors mentioned above into consideration, when you want to build a successful institution. If the classes are small-sized and flexible, it will give instructors chance of understanding and interpreting the problems affecting the students efficiently (Qiu, Hewitt Brett, 2012).Ensuring that there is an engagement of academic context is of great value since it will provide that cooperation between the students and the teachers. With the advanced research, there is an urgent need for institutions to ensure that they can recruit online instructors to help students who are in need of academic services, as this will improve the possibilities of enhancing the academic productivity of the students and assist them to achieve their educational goals. For insta...
Sunday, May 17, 2020
4.1. Overview of the tradable green certificates system...
4.1. Overview of the tradable green certificates system The support system for renewable energy in Romania, i.e. quota system with tradable green certificates, was launched in 2004 in order to achieve two goals: to reduce the prices for consumers and to protect the generators of renewable electricity. Wind energy, solar energy, biomass, micro hydro and geothermal energy are all sources of energy that can be supported by this system [68]. The trading of green certificates is ensured by OPCOM (green certificates market operator) who establishes the prices on the centralized market of green certificates. The green certificates are sold on the green certificates market, independently from electricity sold on the electricity market. The green†¦show more content†¦Renewable electricity producers operate both on the electricity market (as producers of electricity), and on the green certificates market (as owners of green certificates). If they do not fulfill the annual mandatory quota, then they have to pay a penalty equal to the value of the green certificates not purchased. The payment is made to Transelectrica S.A., who is the power grid company. The evolutions of the Romanian economy and energy sector, as well as the international trends have induced the necessity of updating the strategies, policies, plans and programs previously developed. The Romanian Energy Strategy for the period 2007 – 2020 updated for the period 2011 – 2020 states as the overall objective of the energy sector to meet the energy needs both now and in the medium and long term, at the lowest possible price, suitable for a modern economy, and a decent standard of living, in terms of quality and energy security, respecting the principles of sustainable development [61]. Having in mind the role of energy in society and in all economic sectors, the development of this sector is made under the supervision of the state, through the development and the implementation of the sector strategy. For the promotion of renewable energy sources the strategy envisages the following measures [61]: - Development of the use of renewable energy sources for electricity and heat production throughShow MoreRelatedValue Chain Analysis : A Competitive Strength Of The Organization1527 Words  | 7 Pagesactivities are directly concerned with the creation or delivery of a product or service (Mullins Syam, 2014). CCCC can be grouped into five main areas: inbound logistics, operations, outbound logistics, marketing and sales, and service. Each of these primary activities is linked to support activities which help to improve the effectiveness or efficiency for CCCC products and services. CCCC has four main areas of support activities: procurement, technology development including RD, human resourceRead MoreDeveloping an Analytical Approach to Industrial Relations Policy929 Words  | 4 Pagesan employer and employee is inevitable. They are also against HRM, as they look at it as manipulative of the workers. Trade unions is a reaction and exploitation to the management, and workin g towards a radical change in the society. Therefore Ms CCCC it is important to accept and respect that the employment relationship is interdependent, a psychological contract Rousseau (1990), which means that the contract is mutual, and there has to be cooperation on both of the sides. I would say, to acctuallyRead MoreChallenges in Interpersonal Relationships976 Words  | 4 Pagestransition of becoming a married couple. Many areas will be covered in this class. We will discuss effective listening, empathy, nonverbal and verbal communication and much more. Class 101 will start April 18, 2013 at 6:30 p.m. in the Relationship hall at CCCC. Below is a brief outline for week one. If you have any questions or concerns please call me at (919)732-8888 ext. 4049. EXPLAIN THE PRINCIPLES AND MISCONCEPTIONS IN EFFECTIVE INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION The first class will be introduced from KathyRead MoreComparison of Heaneys at a Potato Digging and Hardys Autumn Midnight.1193 Words  | 5 Pageswork in order to survive. ‘A Sheep Fair’ also uses a regular rhyme scheme and structure. The rhyme scheme is ABABCCCCDD. This shows the rhythmical and methodical way in which the sheep fair would have worked through the lots of sheep for sale. The CCCC is used as listing and this increases the pace of the poem and reflects the busyness of the fair. This also captures snapshot moments of the fair from the poet’s memory: ‘Their horns are soft as finger- nails,/ Their shepards reek against the railsRead More U.S-Mexico Borderlands Essay examples1068 Words  | 5 Pagesfor land and some lost access to irrigation water causing damage to their crops. In addition, mines were not being held accountable for the lack of safety measures. Ganster and Lorey write that in one year the â€Å"Cananea Consolidated Copper Company (CCCC) reported 18 deaths and 769 accidents†. (Ganster/Lorey 57) The recession in the United States caused the unemployment of a large number of Mexican citizens . During the year 1907, mines and stores were closing and agriculture was declining. LaterRead MoreStandard Cut Analysis : Bdt Systematics1142 Words  | 5 PagestBDT_{ij} = tBDT_{ij} - tBDT_{i0}$, p and $\epsilon$ are the purity and efficiency for one experiment as before, $\Delta FOM = FOM_{toy} - FOM_{Nominal}$, with FOM =p, $\epsilon$ or p $\times \epsilon$.\\ \begin{figure}[H] \centering \begin{tabular}{cccc} \toprule \textbf{Nominal}\tikzmark{start} \tikzmark{1}{\textbf{Toy 1}} \dots \textbf{Toy N}\tikzmark{endH} \\ \hline $tBDT_{10}$ $tBDT_{11}$ \dots $tBDT_{1N}$ \\ $\Delta tBDT_{11}$ \dots $\Delta tBDT_{1N}$ \\ $tBDT_{20}$Read MoreStb Case Study876 Words  | 4 Pagesthat method as he was collecting the measurements from different sensing nodes with different taper and then he collect them together in the following measurement matrix\label{eq2} } \begin{equation} \label{eq2} $ A(F) = \left( \begin{array}{cccc} a_{0}^{0}X_{0}^{0} a_{1}^{0}X_{1}^{0}†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.a_{k-1}^{0} X_{k-1}^{0} \\ a_{0}^{1}X_{0}^{1} a_{1}^{1} X_{1}^{1}†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.a_{k-1}^{0} X_{k-1}^{0}\\ . . \\ . . \\ . . \\ a_{0}^{M-1}X_{0}^{M-1} a_{1}^{M-1} X_{1}^{M-1}†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Read MoreEssay about The American Dream: Cà ©sar Chavez893 Words  | 4 PagesTimeline: Cesar Chavez. Infoplease. Infoplease, n.d. Web. 02 May 2014. Centro Cultural Cà ©sar Chà ¡vez. Cà ©sar Chà ¡vezs Bio. Oregon State University, n.d. Web. 04 May 2014. Tejada-Flores, Rick. Fight in the Fields. PBS. PBS, n.d. Web. 03 May 2014. U.S. Immigration Since 1965. AE Television Networks, 2010Read MoreHow Does Language Phonotactics Affect Phonological Processing? Essay1350 Words  | 6 PagesJordanian English language and literature majors at two public universities . Evaluating the production of the participants, two native English speakers reported the existence of an epenthetic vowel /i/ word initially and finally to break cc, ccc, and cccc clusters as clear from these Saidat’s examples: /sÉ ªblà ¦ ÊÆ' / ‘splash’ , /sÉ ªblÉ ª:n/ ‘spleen’ , /stÊŠbÉ ªd/ ‘stopped’, /wÉâ€:k É ªd/ ‘walked’, /mÊÅ'nÃŽ ¸Ã‰ ªs/ ‘months’ /hà ¦ndÉ ªz/ ‘hands’, but this study is restricted to Ammani dialect , to production only , used real EnglishRead MoreYouth and Crime - Who Is Responsible Essay1061 Words  | 5 Pagescounseling and scared straight programs. Only fifteen percent believed that locking youth up in juvenile f acilities is effective in rehabilitating them. Earlier polls found majorities (though not as large) supporting prevention over incarceration. The CCCC poll found that a majority is optimistic that offenders, even violent ones, can be rehabilitated. That poll also found that Americans believe that any adult can make a difference in the life of a young person by volunteering time as a mentor, youth
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Copernicus Essay - 597 Words
Nicolas Copernicus Nicolas Copernicus 1473-1543 Physics February 8, 2000 Nicolas Copernicus Nicolas Copernicus 1473-1543 Copernicus was born in Poland in 1473, he started his education at Cracow University. There he studied mathematics and optics. From here he went to Italy, where he was appointed as a canon in the cathedral of Frauenburg, where he spent a comfortable academic life studding. Copernicus had some small hobbies while at the cathedral, he painted, and frequently translated Greek poetry into Latin. One other hobby that just wasnt small enough to be called a hobby to most of us was astronomy. He made investigations quietly and alone, without any help. He observed from a turret on a protective wall around a cathedral, he also†¦show more content†¦(Field 1995) So you can see why Copernicus wasn’t in any big rush to have the world know about his theory. On one hand he would cause a Nicolas Copernicus tramoundous stir in the church, and all the scientific commu nity. He would’ve most likely have been fired from the comfortable church position he had for many years, and could‘ve given him a bad name. If it hadn’t been for George Rheticus, a 25-year-old German mathematics professor Copernicus’s might have never publiched his work. (Field 1995) Rheticus stayed with Copernicus for two years, and convinced him to release his work. â€Å"His work the Copernicuss heliostatic cosmology involved giving several distinct motions to the Earth. It was consequently considered implausible by the vast majority of his contemporaries, and by most astronomers and natural philosophers of succeeding generations before the middle of the seventeenth century. Its only defenders included Johannes Kepler (1571 -1630) and Galileo Galilei (1564- 1642). Strong theoretical underpinning for the Copernican theory was provided by Newtons theory of universal gravitation (1687).†(Field 1995) So Copernicus’s whole argument stated tha t the planets and the Earth were in orbit around the sun, and the moon was in orbit around the Earth. This is called the The Heliocentric System: Nicolas Copernicus In conclusion Copernicus said that the Sun was the center of the universe, and went against all known knowledge, religion, and teachings. HeShow MoreRelated Copernicus Essay1578 Words  | 7 Pages Copernicus has been named one of the most influential people this millennia by Time Magazine; in part for his movements in though during the scientific revolution; creating a basis for modern astronomy and challenging the Church (of the 15th century) to lead the way to a reform in thinking. He did so by disproving (mathematically) a theory of the heavens that had existed for almost 14 centuries, established by a man named Charles Ptolemy in 250 AD. Copernicus revolutionized astronomy by creatingRead MoreThe Contributions Of Nicholas Copernicus1684 Words  | 7 PagesToday Nicholas Copernicus is commonly known as the Fath er of Modern Astronomy. Over his lifetime he made many amazing contributions to the world of science. His love for astronomy first began when he was attending a university and from there it only grew. In his time some of his ideas were considered absurd, some were even frowned upon by the church. Though some of his theories were proven untrue, they have led to further study and new ideas of the astronomical world and have highly impacted theRead MoreEssay on Nicolai Copernicus1208 Words  | 5 PagesNicolaus Copernicus Have you ever wondered who discovered that the sun is the center of our universe? If so, the answer is Nicolai Copernicus. This man was a well-respected as well as well educated man. He explored many different subjects including mathematics, medicine, canon law, and his favorite astronomy. The Earth-centered universe of Aristotle and Ptolemy were Western thinking for almost 2000 years until the 16th century when Copernicus proposed his theory. Copernicus was born on FebruaryRead MoreThe Astronomer, Nicolaus Copernicus1026 Words  | 4 Pagespeople who thought differently. One of those people, was Nicolaus Copernicus. Nicolaus Copernicus came into the world on February 19th, 1473 in Torun, Poland. He was the fourth and youngest child born to Nicolaus Copernicus Sr. and Barbara Watzenrode, an affluent copper merchant family. When Copernicus was 10 years of age, his father died. His mother’s brother, Bishop of Varmia Lucas Watzenrode, took the place as a father figure. Copernicus attended the University of Cracow in 1491. He studied many subjectsRead More The Scientific Revolution: Copernicus and Galileo Essay1067 Words  | 5 PagesThe Scientific Revolution: Copernicus and Galileo The scientific revolution brought on new and important change. People began to see things extremely differently. Up to this point religion had been an issue of pure faith. A person could not use any empirically based data or reason to justify or develop ideas on religion. People who contradicted the church were considered heretics and were punished. At this time, people believed in the universe that Ptolemy had theorized: that the earth wasRead MoreCopernicus : A Renaissance Mathematician And Astronomer942 Words  | 4 PagesCopernicus Nicolaus Copernicus was a renaissance mathematician and astronomer. Born on February 19th 1473 in Torun, Poland. The youngest child born to Nicolaus Copernicus Sr. and Barbara Watzenrode. When Copernicus was 10 years of age, his father passed away. His uncle Lucas Watzenrode took up the parental role to ensure that Copernicus would get the best education possible for him. ` In 1491, Copernicus entered the University of Cracow, where he studied painting and mathematics. Although CopernicusRead MoreCopernicus And Galileo : The Heavenly Bodies1087 Words  | 5 PagesDanielle Amar Brooklyn College History 3005 Prof. Tunney 10/24/17 Copernicus and Galileo The chosen sources are considerably based on Copernicus and Galileo which further reflects the comparison and contrast between both the well-known personalities. However, the first selected source is Dedication of the Revolutions of the Heavenly Bodies to Pope Paul III†, analyzed and constructed by Nicolaus Copernicus, 1543. Whereas, the second source is â€Å"Science and Scripture†by Galileo, 1957. The firstRead More The Scientific Revolutions and Copernicus Book Essay721 Words  | 3 PagesThe Scientific Revolutions and Copernicus Book In the sixteenth and seventeenth century a Scientific Revolution swept over Europe. The start of this Scientific Revolution has been atributed to Nicolaus Copernicus and his Heliocentric Model of the Universe. Copernicus was born in Torun Poland on February 19, 1473. His parents both died when he was very young so he was sent to live with his uncle who was a high ranking official in the Church. Copernicus studied canon law, medicine, astronomyRead MoreEssay on The Life of Nicolaus Copernicus566 Words  | 3 PagesNicolaus Copernicus was a Renaissance mathematician and astronomer. He is famous for his formulation of a heliocentric theory of our galaxy. This theory suggested that the Earth and other planets revolve around the sun, which is in the center of our solar system. This heliocentric model was the opposite of what people had believed before, which was that the sun and other planets revolved around Earth. Copernicus was a genius of his time and had a breakthrough in astronomy. He is known as the initiatorRead MoreEssay on Early Life of Nicolaus Copernicus846 Words  | 4 Pagesaccomplishments of Nicolaus Copernicus, who faced many of the same challenges that many great discovere rs faced in earlier times. I am also going to tell you about some of the mistakes made by Nicolaus Copernicus. Early Life of Nicolaus Copernicus: Nicolaus Copernicus is the latin name for this famous astronomer’s real name. His real name was Mikolaj Koppernigk, but lets just stick with Nicolaus Copernicus in this essay. He born in Torun, Poland on February 19th, 1473. Copernicus was born in a wealthy
Pecola Essay Example For Students
Pecola Essay The Breedlove family has moved from the rural south to urban Lorain, Ohio, and the displacement, in addition to grinding work conditions and poverty, contributes to the familys dysfunction. Told from the perspectives of the adolescent sisters, Claudia and Frieda MacTeer, Morrisons narrative weaves its way through the four seasons and traces the daughters (Pecola Breedlove) descent into madness. Through flashback and temporal shifts, Morrison provides readers with the context and history behind the Breedloves misery and Pecolas obsessive desire to have the bluest eyes. This short novel counterbalances two points of view: one, the tragic consequences of racism (in the Breedlove family), and two, agency and resistance to that racism (in the MacTeer family). The storys focus, however, is on the Breedloves, and readers are immediately faced with the dissonance between the realities of the Breedlovesand especially Pecolaslives and the chapter headings that begin with excerpts from the white, middle-class Dick Jane reader. Much as Pecolas world falls apart in the novel, the Dick Jane passages, repeated three times, degenerate into formless, meaningless print: seemothermotherisverynice. The object of scorn for her ugliness from her family and acquaintances, Pecola yearns to become beautiful and, (she thinks) as a result of her beauty, loveable. That beauty is strictly defined by white and unattainable standards; however, a Shirley Temple mug and Mary Jane candies become the emblems of that for which Pecola yearns. The same racism that underpins the stan dards of beauty under which Pecola and her mother, Pauline, suffer, is also at the root of Pecolas fathers alcoholism and violence. After he impregnates Pecola and she is beaten by her mother for it, Pecola (with the treachery of Soaphead Church, a faith healer) goes mad, believing she has obtained her blue eyes. By novels end she obsessively, repeatedly asks an imaginary other if, indeed, her eyes are the bluest. There is an interesting (and excerptable) scene in the novel when Pauline is in the hospital giving birth to Pecola. The doctors come by her bed as the attending physician says, these here women you dont have any trouble with. They deliver right away and with no pain. Just like horses. Pauline counters by moaning something awful to teach the doctors that ust cause I wasnt hooping and hollering before didnt mean I wasnt feeling pain. While the doctors have their story about Pauline, she resists their version, retelling it, talking back to medicine and to readers. This secti on raises important questions about assumptions and the ways social factors such as race, class, and gender can get in the way of hearing stories and understanding patients lives. English Essays
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